Interview with Game Collector Imraan Nazir

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Interview with Game Collector Imraan Nazir

How long have you been collecting video games?
I started gaming in the early 90s and the console I had was the Sega Master System 2 with Alex Kidd in Miracle World built in. In 2013 I started collecting Retro games and consoles and now I have over 20 consoles.

What system(s) are you collecting for at the moment?
At the moment I am collecting for Game Boy Color. I have just brought Super Mario Deluxe.

Roughly how many games are there in your collection?
There is so many, not sure how many I have. I have a box full of games for different consoles.

Where do you keep your collection?
In my bedroom, I need a separate room for my games and consoles.

Favourite system you like collecting for and why?
My favourite system I like and collecting for is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). This console made me a gamer as I was hooked. I use to play it every day without fail.

Most embarrassing game in your collection?
I cannot think of one.

Rarest/most valuable game you own?
There are quite a few rare games that I own, which are Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the SNES, Alex Kidd in Miracle World (cartridge), Mortal Kombat 2 and Streets of Rage 2 for the Sega Master System.

What do you think will happen to game prices?
I think the prices will increase throughout time.

What's your favourite game?
That is a difficult one to answer. Next question please.

Where do you get your games?
From eBay or retro game shops.

Favourite console/system?
My favourite console is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the reason for this is because of Street Fighter 2 the World Warrior and Super Mario World which I still think is the best Mario game till this day.

What was your first video game memory?
First gaming memory was when I played Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System 2. This was my first game and games console. I still play it till this day and still need to do the continue mode cheat to complete the game. Maybe one day I can compete without the cheat ;)

What one game that you don't own would you love to have in your collection?
I would like to get Hagane for SNES.

Lastly, do you have any advice for anyone starting out?
My advice would be start by buying the first console you owned and work your way from there. Before you know it you will have multiple consoles just like me ;)

You can check out Imraan's retro gaming collection on his website or you can follow him on Instagram.

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